Keystone Answering Service

Phone Number

icon_phoneToll Free: 800-777-8047


24/7 Answering Service

Keystone provides high-quality customer service support for a variety of medical, professional, and commercial firms. Our live, specially-trained agents provide personalized customer service when answering your calls 24/7, adding value to any business and helping you maintain a competitive edge. Forward your lines to Keystone Answering Service anytime: during lunch hour or office meetings, over holidays, or overnight. Our team is ready to provide optimum service to your callers on a moment’s notice.

Remote Receptionist

Professionals in a variety of industries benefit from Keystone’s Remote Receptionist program.  Whether you are a 10,000 employee corporation or a real estate office, our Remote Receptionist Service offers an economical solution to internal staffing of the front desk to assist your secretarial or administrative staff.  In addition, we can cover overflow calls, lunch periods, holidays, and sick days.  Some corporations use our Remote Receptionist Service 24/7.  With our ability to answer the call with a live agent and then transfer the caller to your line, department, or extension, we can free up your personnel to handle more important work.

Disaster Recovery Solutions

If you can’t get to your office, how would your business survive during a flood, fire, or other disaster?  Make Keystone Answering Service an essential part of your company’s Disaster Recovery Plan. We’ll provide your business with 24/7 phone answering, and manage your internal communications throughout the disaster event. Keystone provides a central point of contact for employees and customers, and most importantly, helps you continue to run until normal operations can be restored.  We carry an inventory of spare telephone numbers through one of our telephone company carriers, we can obtain a line dedicated to your account needs in minutes.

Emergency Call Handling

Managing critical and emergency calls is some of the most essential work we do. Emergencies, lab results, consults, sales leads, web-based customer service applications, and other important communications can all be handled by our staff in accordance with your detailed instructions. Every call and all subsequent activity is fully documented.  When important calls come in, our customized procedures dispatch a message to your on-call personnel immediately, so that you may respond to callers right away.  Our agents obtain the essential information you require into a simple work order format that can be sent instantly and securely to your on-call staff on a mobile device.

For more information on these premium-quality Keystone services and products, contact us at (800) 777-8047 or
